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Monsignor John J. Conahan
Pastor of Immaculate Conception BVM 1988-2011
On Thursday, April 18, 2024, Archbishop Nelson Perez celebrated the funeral Mass for our long-time pastor, Monsignor John J. Conahan. Many parishioners, past and present, joined together to prayfully honor this man, a past shepherd, who guided them through the sacraments and brought them closer to Christ.
This page is a tribute to him, including the words of Deacon Alvin Clay, and Father Leonard Peterson,the homilists for the Parish Mass and Funeral Mass respectively.
Kathy Clay, assisted by her son Matthew, was the creator of the slideshow. It is featured at the bottom of this page.
Born: October 25, 1935
Ordained: May 19, 1962
Honary Prelate: March 14, 1998
Died: April 11, 2024

A profile of Monsignor was written in the book, A Century and a Quarter 1866-1991, Immaculate Conception Parish

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