Immaculate Food Programs

Whole Foods Jenkintown and Wawa contribute to our food cupboard, providing donated food products each week. The food is available to anyone who needs it. We have volunteers who pickup the food and deliver it to our parish freezers/storage. There is also a volunteer who regularly moves the food to another facility if it is not used.
We always have room for volunteers!
If you wish to help or could benefit from the program, please call the office.
Everything is confidential.
215-887-1501 or

Do you like to cook and would like to help? All you need to do is prepare a casserole in a disposable pan and deliver it to ICC. Our women's group, Ziti for the Needy, regulary cooks for this oranization. St. John's comes once a month to pickup our contributions.
Call the office at 215-887-1501 or email:

Formally know as Aid for Friends, Caring for Friends has been the beneficiary of many homemade meals by ICC cooks. If you have leftovers, all you need are the tin trays! These meals should be frozen before they are delivered to us, but they feed many of the homebound. It is an easy way to help those in need!
Call the office at 215-887-1501 or send us an email:
This new Women's Group in our Parish meets monthly from October through April to socialize, pray, make meals for the needy, and enjoy each other's company.
Gatherings may include wine, cheese, tea, finger foods & pot luck! This group is open to all women of the parish.
Interested? Click on the image to access a sign-up form and someone will contact you.
Jenkintown Food Cupboard is located at the Jenkintown United Methodist Church on Summit Avenue in the heart of our town. We are partnering with the JFC to help Montgomery County families in need of food. The Food cupboard supports close to 250 local families a week and the numbers are increasing.
The box in the vestibule of the church has a list of most needed items and a changing monthly list. Click on the top of this notice to learn more about JFC.