Monday - Saturday
8:00 AM
Recitation of the Rosary,
Wednesdays, 7:40 AM
Eucharistic Adoration
Fridays, 8:30 AM-noon
Miraculous Medal Devotions ,
Saturday mornings,
following Mass
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays 3:00-4:00 P.M.

Reverend Joseph E. Howarth, Pastor
Rev. Charles Sullivan, In Residence
Rev. Alexander Masluk, In Residence
Rev. Mr. Alvin Clay, Permanent Deacon
All Masses are livestreamed
Saturday Vigil
4:30 PM
Sunday Masses
7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 4:30 PM
Vigil Mass
4:00 P.M.
Holy Day
8:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 7:00PM
A Message from Our Pastor

I want to thank all those parishioners who regularly contribute to the Parish Maintenance Collection. Our parish buildings have been around for a long time. The school is the newest building, and the cornerstone is dated 1966. Our other buildings are considerably older. As a result, they are in constant need of maintenance. I notice many beautiful homes of considerable vintage in our parish. The lucky people who live in them know what it takes to keep the well-crafted house in shape and the grounds presentable. All homeowners should take pride in their homes because it reflects who they are and their appreciation of their neighborhood. An unkempt property sticks out like a sore thumb amid well-tended properties.
This collection helps us keep up with the maintenance and repairs these venerable buildings demand. Our grounds should inspire people to stop, look, and come in to experience our faith community.
We want to keep this wonderful place in good order. My father would tell me, "It is not going to get better by looking at it." When we see something that needs tending to, we like to act on it. Your funds help us to do this.
Some things that need tending:
The installation of railings at the end of the aisle and in the sanctuary.
New storm windows for the rectory offices and kitchen.
Replacing broken cement blocks around the property.
Painting the wrought iron fencing around the property.
Painting of the rectory doors and front pillars.
New speakers in the church at the mid-section and foyer.
Your love and support of the parish is manifested in many ways.
Be proud of Immaculate Conception Parish.
Father Howarth
parish news & events

Father Sullivan
Thoughts on Stress
In this video clip, Father addresses the popular topic of stress and gives a suggestion on a way to help relieve stress.
Feedback or comments on Father's column/videos?
Click here to contact Father.
To listen, click on the play button, and also unmute by clicking on the musical notes in the bottom right corner.
St. Patrick Shrine Dedication with Our Preschool

Our preschool students celebrated St. Patrick's in a special way. As Father blessed the shrine and gave them a St. Patrick holy card, the children sang,
"Lady of Knock."
Click on the top image to listen in.
Lenten Activities
Make your preparation for Easter special by participating in the many Lenten activities we offer here
at Immaculate Conception:

He died for love of me.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
"The happiness you are seeking,
the happiness you have a right to enjoy
has a name and a face:
it is Jesus of Nazareth,
hidden in the Eucharist."

Baptism Suppers
Our newest members of the parish are celebrated at the monthly Baptism Suppers at the rectory. For families who have not attended a Baptism class, our priests host a dinner where they can answer the questions of the new parents and get to know them before the baptism of the baby. A 'presenting couple' is also there to add their experiences to the evening.
We are always looking for volunteer presenting couples. For more information contact the office: icr604west@gmail.com.
The Parish Office is located in the school building at
606 West Avenue.
Email: icr604west@gmail.com
Phone: 215-887-1501
HOURS: M-F 9-12, 1-3
Corporal Works of Mercy Committee
The office receives many calls for physical and emotional assistance.
Do you have a need or be willing to help someone in need?
Click here to view our webpage.
Postpartum Depression Help
The demand of motherhood can be stressful. Are you a new mom struggling with depression? We have a team of three nurses who would be willing to assist you. Call the office at 215-887-1501 or click to email: icr604west@gmail.com .

SUNDAY, March 16
7:30 AM Nellie M. O'Drain
9:30 AM Joseph Stec-Sala
11:30 AM Robert Sukol
4:30 PM Pro Populo
MONDAY, March 17
8:00 AM Joseph Mc Goldrick and
Anne M. McGoldrick
TUESDAY, March 18
8:00 AM Father Walter (Living Intention)
8:00 AM Joseph Scharnikow
THURSDAY, March 20
8:00 AM Debbie Brown
FRIDAY, March 21
8:00 AM Our Seminarians
SATURDAY, March 22
8:00 AM Eberhart Aust
4:30 PM Desiree Ansaldo